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Management scheme of Express Card project

Management scheme of Express Card project

I. Issuance of bank cards:

1, 2, 3: The Bank is responsible for setting up the account for the cardholder to include the transport application. The Bank sends the relevant information to the manufacturer.

4.1, 4.2, 4.3: Having received the data, the manufacturer produces and personalizes the bank cards, delivers them to the Bank and transfers the data on issued cards for registration in the IT systems of the member bank and Express Card.

5: Express Card registers the data on the issued cards and sends it for registration in the IT systems of the transport operator.

6: Bank issues the cards.

II. Daily interactions on serviced cards:

7: Transport operator provides transit services to the cardholders.

8: Upload of number of trips taken is sent to the Transport operator on a daily basis.

Stop list:

The Bank provides information to Express Card for account blocking of Express Card® cardholders. Express Card ensures that these cards are placed on the stop list in a timely manner and transmits relevant information to the Transport operator. Transport operator adds cards to stop list.

III. Monthly account:

9: Transport operator provides information on rides taken by the cardholders during the month.

10.1, 10.2: Based on the received data, Express Card runs a number of verification checks and verifies data. Having checked the data, Express Card transfers the file to the banks.

11: Transport operator issues an invoice to the bank for the rides taken by the holders of the Express Card®.

12.1, 12.2.: Bank charges its clients account for rides taken, and pays the Transport operator the appropriate amount for rides taken.

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